Going digital with PSYT
Digital products are enlightening today’s research. They can help us collect large amounts of accurate, ecologically-valid data in real-time.
Their scalability increases the statistical power of our studies, helping us uncover reliable relationships and create greater social impact.
We created Mappiness, the world’s largest academic study into momentary happiness. Now we want to help others conduct similar wide scale studies to reveal insights previously undiscoverable by traditional methods.
Some of our projects
To date we have handled more than 4m responses from 100,000+ users
We create apps that employ the latest in research methods.
- Ecological momentary assessment (EMA)
- Experience sampling method (ESM)
- Day reconstruction method (DRM)
As well as being able to employ more traditional methods.
You can also incorporate physiological, cognitive and geographical data to give you the richest possible data set.

Integrate interventions
Build your interventions into the app and assess their efficacy. We use the best in persuasive technology and user-design to maximise the engagement with your interventions and their resulting impact. Integrate audio, video, reflective practices, heart rate variability and other interactive practices to maximise engagement and learning.

Visualise data
We can provide internally and externally facing dashboards that enhance social engagement and sign-up, that let you visualise your data, participation rates, and relationships between variables.

Explore features
Using apps to conduct your research provides many advantages:

Avoid cognitive biases and heuristics that plague retrospective self-report surveys.

Ask more questions and control for a greater range of confounding variables while avoiding study fatigue.

Gain ecological validity by surveying people as they go about their normal routines.

Uncover rich within-person variation that is undetectable by traditional methods.

Scale your research and interventions to 10,000s of people for greater social impact.

Your apps will be coded natively for android and iPhone, providing the best user experience, enhancing compliance and reducing attrition.

Provide users with feedback and gamification to maximise engagement and data.

Undertake wide scale randomised controlled trials with relative ease in comparison to traditional methods.

Integrate data from a range of sources including physiological data, cognitive data, heart rate variability, GPS, ambulatory assessment etc.
Featured in these leading publications

Receive expert consultancy from the researchers behind the world’s largest ESM study
Experience & expertise

We can work with you on question design, randomisation and weighting, dynamic flows, branching and skipping and appropriate wording and presentation.
Beautiful design & UX

Our in-house designers can create you a beautiful app that is a joy for participants to use and maximises engagement.

Enterprise grade security. PSYT is ISO27001:2013 certified for information security management. Response data is encrypted to industry standards both in transit and at rest.